Powerful Tools for Caregivers

If you’re a family caregiver, you understand both the rewards and challenges of caregiving. Powerful Tools for Caregivers can help!
You may not even think of yourself as a caregiver – you’re simply helping someone you love. But when the stresses and difficulties that often come with caregiving become overwhelming, it’s important to take care of yourself too. That’s where Powerful Tools for Caregivers © (PTC) comes in.
6 weeks. 12 hours. Feel better and do more.
In just six weeks, Powerful Tools for Caregivers can help you identify and manage the physical, emotional and financial challenges that family caregiving can present and connects you with other caregivers who are facing some of the same feelings and problems you may be facing.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC) is…
a 6-week (once a week) educational workshop for people who are taking care of a family member or friend designed to support the family caregiver and improve his or her well-being.
It does not teach hands-on care or focus on disease or other conditions, but rather helps the caregiver cope with the physical, emotional, and financial challenges of being a caregiver.
PTC for Parents of Children with Special Needs is…
adapted from the original PTC program and is designed to support a parent or parents who are caring for a child of any age (minor or adult) who has special health or behavioral needs.
It provides the same caregiver support curriculum while focusing on the unique challenges of parents caring for a child of any age with health or behavior challenges.
Powerful Tools for Caregivers is for friends or family members who are caring for an older person or someone who has a disability or ongoing health problem. Family caregivers should take this course to help them better cope with the challenges of caregiving and get support and resources to make the caregiving journey easier.
Workshops are best for any adult who:
Powerful Tools for Caregivers has been researched and proven to:
“What I liked most about the class was the permission to take care of myself. The social aspect was great as well. However, I personally struggled with mental health and the class gave me the tools to take care of myself. The program is about Caregivers and care receivers, and it gave me the tools to apply to my mother and myself.“
Kristy Brown, Kenosha County
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