Give to WIHA

Whether it’s for someone you care about, for yourself, or for future generations, your contribution to the Wisconsin Institute for Healthy Aging will make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of all people as they age. 

Fill out my online form.

“WIHA empowers individuals to take control of their health, manage chronic conditions, and live fuller, healthier lives.”

“Every year, my husband and I include WIHA in our year-end giving. We want WIHA’s valuable programs to reach as many communities and older adults as possible. We like to contribute to an organization focused on solutions.”

“WIHA programs are very important to the health and well-being of thousands of lives. It is truly a blessing getting to witness the increase of self-confidence participants obtain from attending a workshop.”

“As I manage multiple progressive health conditions of my own, I find myself utilizing many of the valuable tools, strategies, and resources which are promoted through WIHA. I sincerely thank you in advanced for your support as giving a gift to WIHA is incredibly important for maintaining programming and continuing to help individuals and families in our communities.”

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