For Professionals: Healthy Aging Summit

A gathering of experts, leaders, volunteers, researchers, and professionals to learn, collaborate, and celebrate advances in healthy aging.

Price: $165. Registration closes May 1st.



Please note: This is a working draft and is subject to change.


Keynote Speaker

John McGivern– John McGivern is a six-time Emmy award-winning actor and TV host. Enjoyed by a nationwide audience, John’s unique brand of storytelling is funny and touching, nostalgic and contemporary. Growing up in the Midwest in an Irish Catholic family, John’s own experiences and memories are relatable and remind us all of our shared Midwest heritage. 

Keynote Speaker

Patricia M. “Trish” D’Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP is the Vice President of Policy and Professional Affairs for The Gerontological Society of America and a board-certified geriatric pharmacist. Trish serves as the Executive Director for the National Center to Reframe Aging, the central hub to improve the public’s understanding of what aging means and the many ways that older people contribute to our society. Trish will be speaking on this topic at the event!

Health Equity Panel

Mary Wolf, Director, LCO Tribal Aging & Disability Programs

Sheng Khang, H2N Hmong Team Coordinator, Milwaukee AHEC Certified Community Health Worker

Dr. Dessie Levy, PhD, RN, APNP, All of Us Engagement, Health Outreach and Prevention Education (H.O.P.E.), National Baptist Convention

Shary Perez, MPH, Health Research Program Coordinator, United Community Center

Dr. Olayinka Shiyanbola, PhD, BPharm, Charles R. Walgreen Jr. Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Michigan College of Pharmacy 

Paula Tran, MPH, State Health Officer and Administrator of the Division of Public Health, Wisconsin Department of Health Services (moderator)

Call for Posters

Are you involved in community programming addressing healthy aging? We invite you to showcase your work and share the exciting things happening in your community at our upcoming conference!

Poster presentations are a dynamic way to highlight the innovative programs and strategies you’ve implemented to help people age well. Whether it’s reducing social isolation or loneliness, promoting active lifestyles, managing chronic conditions, preventing falls, or others, we want to hear about your successes, challenges, and lessons learned.

Sponsor/Exhibitor Information
Where to Stay

Hotels near the conference center:

Things to Do

Thanks to Our 2025 Sponsors

Platinum Level Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Silver Level Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Level Sponsor

Silver Level Sponsor

Silver Level Sponsor

Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources logo

Corporate Sponsor

Corporate Sponsor

See past summit information:


Healthy Aging in the Age of COVID 
Redefining. Reimagining. Responding.

The Healthy Aging Summit was a fun, inspiring virtual conference for professionals and people with an interest in improving the health of their communities. This year we explored how our priorities have changed – or not changed – in light of the pandemic and how we are responding to ensure that people in our communities age well.  
With 14 workshops, 5 general sessions, and the Healthy Aging Star Awards, the 2021 Summit provided information about the health-related issues that impact people in your community. We learned from experts on new interventions and initiatives that support older adult health and connected with colleagues to learn what they’re doing to improve community health.

Registered Summit participants who would like to view recordings of the Summit general and breakout sessions can get access by contacting Kris Krasnowski


Helping People Help Themselves to Better Health

The 2018 Healthy Aging Summit took place in the Wisconsin Dells and was a conference for professionals and people with an interest in improving the health of their communities. This year we learned about, networked, and developed new relationships for collaboration – all in support of healthier aging and healthier communities.
With 18 workshops, 3 general sessions, and the Healthy Aging Star Awards, the 2018 Summit provided insight to new possibilities and inspiration to new heights of commitment to healthy aging.

Healthy Aging Star Award Recipients

WIHA awards individuals every year for their contributions towards healthy aging in their community. See here a history of those making a difference:

  • 2021 Above & Beyond Award: Marilyn Lange, Successful Aging in Greendale for Everyone (SAGE), Greendale

  • 2021 Bright Idea Award: Tony Omernik, Marathon County

  • 2021 Making it Happen Award: Vicky Shneider, Senior Activity Center, Sheboygan

  • 2021 In Cahoots Award: Roxanne Klubertanz-Gerber, ADRC of Eagle Country, Richland County

  • 2021 Health Equity Award: Dr. Eva Vivian, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • 2018 Bright Idea Award: Laura Armstrong, ProHealth Care, Waukesha

  • 2018 Making It Happen Award: Tina Tharp, Mayo Clinic Health System, Menomonie

  • 2018 In Cahoots Award: Martha Viscuso & Saúl Juárez Aguilar, Pro Health and Hispanic Community Health Resource Center, Waukesha

  • 2018 Above & Beyond Award: Deb Bruning, ADRC of Eau Claire, Eau Claire County

  • 2018 Above & Beyond Award: Nancy Krueger, ADRC of Calumet, Outagamie, and Waupaca Counties

  • 2017 Above & Beyond Award: Barb Michaels, ADRC of Brown County, Brown County

  • 2017 Bright Ideas Award: Valeree Lecey, ADRC of Ozaukee County, Ozaukee County

  • 2017 In Cahoots Award: Mind Over Matter Advisory Board, Wisconsin

  • 2017 Making it Happen Award: Jennifer Lefeber, Milwaukee County Department on Aging, Milwaukee

  • 2017 Shining Start Award: Mary Wolf, Great Lakes Inter-Tribal Council, Wisconsin

  • 2016 Above & Beyond Award: Edie Felts-Podoll, ADRC of Waushara County, Waushara

  • 2016 Making It Happen Award: Chris Hagen and Darby Simpson, ADRC of Barron, Rusk and Washburn Counties

  • 2016 Making It Happen Award: Kathryn Lyons, McFarland Senior Center, McFarland

  • 2016 In Cahoots Award: Ann Bennet, Door County Senior Services, Door County

  • 2016 Bright Idea Award: Elida Rebolledo & Alejandra Estrada, Milwaukee County Commitment to Health Care Partnerships, Milwaukee

  • 2016 Bright Idea Award: Margie Hackbarth, Aspirus Wausau Innovations in Research Partnerships, Wausau

  • 2016 Bright Idea Award: Jeff Kirchner, Streu’s Pharmacy Bay Natural, Green Bay

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