Now Recruiting facilitators for Fall Training!
Program providers, facilitators, and participants spoke and we listened!
The Stand Up and Move More program is a unique program designed to encourage people to reduce their sitting time to achieve incredible health benefits. Throughout the past few years, we found some were expecting an activity or exercise program due to the name. We recently asked past participants and past facilitators what name would better convey the intent of the program and we are pleased to announce the name of this great program has changed! The new name is:

Did you know? That too much sitting has negative health consequences including increased risk of chronic conditions, cancers, and more? EVEN if someone does enough exercise!
Stand Up for Your Health: A sedentary behavior reduction program – a program to encourage people to reduce their sedentary (sitting) time by standing up more often and for longer durations throughout the day!
Target Market: Individuals 55+ that sit more than 6 hours per day.
Description: Stand Up uses self-efficacy and self-regulation strategies to encourage people to stand up more often and for longer durations throughout the day.
Evidence: The Stand Up program is evidence-based to reduce sedentary behavior by 68 mins/day! Wow!
The Workshop: 4 90-minute sessions + a Refresher Session on Week 8. This program may be offered in-person or online.
Facilitators: 1 facilitator required.
Facilitator Training: 2-day VIRTUAL training!
Next Training: September 19-20, 2023